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CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs collections  +, membership  +
ContentODPDescription This pattern is a basic one: it catches the idea of a collection and its members.
CoversRequirement Which collection this entity is member of?, Which are the members of this collection?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Collectionentity.jpg +
HasConsequence It is possible to put sets in the domain of discourse through the class [[Submissions:CollectionEntity/Collection| Collection]], which reifies them. For temporary membership, the TimeIndexedMembership should be used.
HasElement CollectionEntity/Collection +, CollectionEntity/Entity +, CollectionEntity/hasMember +, CollectionEntity/isMemberOf +
HasIntent To represent collections, and their entities, i.e. to represent membership.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 12:32:40  +
Name collection entity  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Parts and Collections +
Scenario The Louvre Aegyptian collection.
SubmittedBy ValentinaPresutti +
TakesInAccountReview ValentinaPresutti about CollectionEntity +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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CollectionEntity/Collection +, CollectionEntity/Entity +, CollectionEntity/hasMember +, CollectionEntity/isMemberOf + ElementOf
Bag +, List +, Set +, Tagging + HasComponent
Object with states +, RecurrentEventSeries + RelatedCP
CollectionEntity/Scenario 1 + ScenarioOf


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