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ContentODPDescription The pattern introduces a specialization of the participation pattern, where parties hold different roles when participating in communication events.
CoversRequirement What is the status of this event?, What is the purpose of this communication?, What are the valid contact mechanisms for this communication?, What roles did the different parties have in this communication event?, What are the roles of the parties involved in this relationship?, What was the contact mechanism used for this comunication?, When did this communication event take place?, In what reltionship context did this communication take place?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy CommunicationEvent.jpg +
HasComponent ParticipantRole +, TimeInterval +
HasConsequence Pattern includes a set of standard communi Pattern includes a set of standard communication mechanisms, but can be extended., The pattern does not take into account time-indexed participation in relationships, nor time-indexed participation in communication events. All parties are assumed to participate during the whole duration of relationships and events. hole duration of relationships and events.
HasElement CommunicationEvent/ContactMechanism +, CommunicationEvent/isValidContactMechanismFor +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventRole +, CommunicationEvent/mediumOf +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEvent +, CommunicationEvent/EventDuration +, CommunicationEvent/eventStartTime +, CommunicationEvent/RelationshipDuration +, CommunicationEvent/relationshipStartTime +, CommunicationEvent/PartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/RelationshipPartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/roleInRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/PartyRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/includesCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/relationshipIncludes +, CommunicationEvent/relationshipHasDuration +, CommunicationEvent/EmailCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/throughMedium +, CommunicationEvent/e-mail +, CommunicationEvent/PhoneCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/phone +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationPurpose +, CommunicationEvent/purposeOfEvent +, CommunicationEvent/WebSiteCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/web-site +, CommunicationEvent/FaceToFaceCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/face-to-face +, CommunicationEvent/roleOfParty +, CommunicationEvent/partyParticipating +, CommunicationEvent/inRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/Party +, CommunicationEvent/partyInvolvedIn +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventPartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/partyInRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/hasValidContactMechanism +, CommunicationEvent/eventRoleIncludedIn +, CommunicationEvent/LetterCorrespondence +, CommunicationEvent/letter +, CommunicationEvent/FaxCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/fax +, CommunicationEvent/roleOfEvent +, CommunicationEvent/partyInEvent +, CommunicationEvent/inCommunicationEvent +, CommunicationEvent/eventIncludes +, CommunicationEvent/communicationHasSetting +, CommunicationEvent/eventHasPurpose +, CommunicationEvent/eventHasDuration +, CommunicationEvent/hasEventStatus +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventStatus +, CommunicationEvent/statusOfEvent +, CommunicationEvent/isDurationOfEvent +, CommunicationEvent/isDurationOfRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/relationshipEndTime +, CommunicationEvent/eventEndTime +
HasIntent To model communication events, such as phone calls, e-mails and meetings, their involved parties and the roles and relations of the parties in the context of the communication events.
IsSpecializationOf ParticipantRole +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 September 2010 07:52:37  +
Name CommunicationEvent  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Organization +, Business +, Planning +, Participation +, Product development +
ReengineeredFrom Data model pattern called "communication events".
Scenario A sales call between John at company x and Mary at company y took place on January 7 2009. In the call John had the role of seller and Mary the role of buyer. The call was made in the context of the long-term relation between comanies x and y, where x is the subcontractor of y. The purpose of the call was to agree on a price for a particular order item., In todays boardmeeting John was elected chairman of the meeting, and Michael was appointed to take the minutes. The meeting involved 6 people, where 5 were elected members of the board and one was an invited external party. The purpose of the meeting was to decide on the price of a new product. However, the participants did not agree so the meeting had to be suspended and will continue tomorrow.
SubmittedBy EvaBlomqvist +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Review assigned +
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CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEvent +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventPartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventRole +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationEventStatus +, CommunicationEvent/CommunicationPurpose +, CommunicationEvent/ContactMechanism +, CommunicationEvent/EmailCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/EventDuration +, CommunicationEvent/FaceToFaceCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/FaxCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/LetterCorrespondence +, CommunicationEvent/Party +, CommunicationEvent/PartyRelationship +, CommunicationEvent/PartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/PhoneCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/RelationshipDuration +, CommunicationEvent/RelationshipPartyRole +, CommunicationEvent/WebSiteCommunication +, CommunicationEvent/communicationHasSetting +, CommunicationEvent/e-mail +, ElementOf


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