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CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPDescription A concept is named in a particular languag A concept is named in a particular language by a preferred term and a set of simple non preferred terms. Those terms artifacts specialize the term entity which owns common properties. This list of properties may be extended depending on vocabulary specific needs. This pattern suits for various vocabularies (thesaurus, terminology, taxonomy…) and has been applied to GEMET, Eurovoc, CIM10 among other. Modeling takes into account: -the possibility to extend the current pattern in order to add some more precise linguistic information (for instance represent translation relation between two terms since term is a class) -minimal linguistic artifacts necessary for vocabulary resource access by providing a preferred Term to name a concept and some synonyms which are Simple non preferred terms. nyms which are Simple non preferred terms.
CoversRequirement How to distinguish a preferred term or label from synonyms in order to name a concept?, How to enable cross language searching?, How to allow adding properties on term?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy ConceptTermsPattern.jpg +
HasConsequence Compare to labels on a concept class, this solution has a higher data load.
HasIntent This CP allows designers to represent join This CP allows designers to represent jointly conceptual and linguistic part of a vocabulary. The pattern purpose is not to encompass all linguistic complexity as Linginfo or LMF does, but to describe linguistic information in more details than SKOS which names concept whith simple labels. S which names concept whith simple labels.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 12:35:17  +
Name ConceptTerms  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Linguistic +, Vocabulary +
ReengineeredFrom BS8723-5 model: In BS8723 model, triangular-shaped relations are defined between a thesaurus concept, a preferred term and some simple non prefe a preferred term and some simple non preferred terms. We are convinced that maintaining this model can be optimized by reifying those relations in a single relation class. That is why we defines the Concept-Terms relation which reusing N-ary pattern in order to represent terms on a concept. Between all terms sent terms on a concept. Between all terms, we distinguish a preferred term and some synonyms (simple non preferred terms).
Scenario Used for vocabulary representation. For example in Eurovoc(, a concept has a preferred term "social sci a concept has a preferred term "social sciences" in english and a simple non preferred term (i.e. synonyms) "humanities" in the same language whereas the same concept has a preferred term "sciences sociales" in french and a simple non preferred term "sciences humaines" in this language. If we wanted to add a translation relation between terms we could state that "social sciences" english term is a translation of "sciences sociales" french term. If we consider a second preferred term in english "award" which names a concept m in english "award" which names a concept, in a particular information retrieval context, we could define a coumpound non preferred term "social sciences awards" which is related to preferred terms "social sciences" and "award".
SubmittedBy Pierre-YvesVandenbussche +, JeanCharlet +
SubmittedToEvent 2009 +
TakesInAccountReview WimPeters about ConceptTerms +, VojtechSvatek about ConceptTerms +, MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa about ConceptTerms +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +
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ConceptTerms/Scenario 1 + ScenarioOf


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