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Submissions:ConceptTerms/Scenario 1
Description This ontology contains an example ABox for This ontology contains an example ABox for the ConceptTerms CP available at This ontology describes example coming from Eurovoc( where a concept has a preferred term "social sciences" in english and a simple non preferred term (i.e. synonyms) "humanities" in the same language whereas the same concept has a preferred term "sciences sociales" in french and a simple non preferred term "sciences humaines" in this language. We consider a second preferred term in english "award" which names a concept. In this particular information retrieval context, we define a coumpound non preferred term "social sciences awards" which is related to preferred terms "social sciences" and "award". erred terms "social sciences" and "award".
GraphicallyRepresentedBy ConceptTermsEurovocExample.jpg +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 17 September 2009 15:53:11  +
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