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ContentODPDescription This pattern represents the basic attributes of a given course. It allows us to know the name, number, and level of the course. Also, we can know the instructor who teaches the course and the student who take the course.
CoversRequirement • What is the course name? • What is the course number? • Who is the instructor of the course? • Who is taking the course?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Course diagram.png +
HasConsequence The Course content ontology design pattern makes ontology engineers to design Academic, University ontology easier and in a more integrated way
HasElement Course/taughtBy +, Course/takenBy +, Course/hasNumber +, Course/hasFirstName +, Course/hasLastName +, Course/hasDateOfBirth +, Course/hasID +
HasIntent The aim of this content ontology design patterns-Course Pattern- is to model the core attributes of a course and the basic relationships of the course in an educational institution.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 7 February 2015 17:18:55  +
Name Course  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Academy +, University +
SubmittedBy Mazenalzyoud +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Waiting for review +
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Course/hasFirstName +, Course/hasLastName +, Course/hasNumber +, Course/taughtBy + ElementOf


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