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Submissions:CriterionSetter |
CPInstantiationExample | + |
ContentODPDescription | This is a specialization of criterion patt … This is a specialization of criterion pattern. The criterion setter can be used as an abstract container for requirements, recommendations, constraints etc. The owl file linked below contains a simple example of how this pattern could be implemented for modeling a requirement (see 'Examples'). r modeling a requirement (see 'Examples'). |
CoversRequirement | What defines this criterion?, Are there any criterion setters that determine this thing (or this domain)?, What criterion is defined by given criterion setter?, What domains (and/or domain objects) are affected by a given criterion setter (for example by a requirement)? |
GraphicallyRepresentedBy | Criterion setter.png + |
HasIntent | The purpose of this pattern is to provide … The purpose of this pattern is to provide a broader context for criteria modeling. Possible specializations could introduce new kinds of criteria setters representing criteria in detailed contexts (for example: a pattern for describing the success/failure condition for some actions). Possible criteria setters may include requirements, recommendations, constraints etc. rements, recommendations, constraints etc. |
IsSpecializationOf | Criterion + |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 10 October 2011 19:09:05 + |
Name | CriterionSetter + |
OWLBuildingBlock | + |
PatternDomain | General + |
RelatedCP | DescriptionAndSituation + |
SubmittedBy | PiotrNowara + |
Categories | ProposedContentOP + |
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Criterion + | RelatedCP |