Not applicable for refactoring patterns,
The ontology before applying the pattern contains an explicitly defined cyclic SubClassOf chain with an arbitrary number of classes Ci (i > 0):
''SubClassOf(A C1)
SubClassOf(C1 C2)
SubClassOf(C2 C3)
SubClassOf(Cn A)'',
Replacing the cyclic SubClassOf chain with an EquivalentClassesAxiom:
EquivalentClasses( A C1 C2 C3 ... Cn),
Refactoring patterns are independant of a specific scenario resp. domain,
Not applicable for this refactoring pattern
Not applicable for refactoring patterns +,
CyclisSubClassOf.png +,
EquivalentClassesAxiom.png +,
Not applicable for this refactoring pattern +,
Http://Not applicable for this refactoring pattern +
Sometimes there are several syntactical fo … Sometimes there are several syntactical forms (e.g. syntactical sugar) with the same logical meaning. Refactoring patterns can transform one form to another, they are independant of a specific domain.
A explicitly defined cyclic SubClassOf chain is more difficult to discover and understand by a human than an EquivalentClassAxiom. Because it is explicitly defined there is not any dange in replacing it with an (explicitly defined) EquivalentClassAxioms. explicitly defined) EquivalentClassAxioms.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
5 March 2010 19:53:53 +
CyclicSubClassOf +
OlafNoppens +
OlafNoppens +
http://Not applicable for refactoring patterns +,
http://Not applicable for this refactoring pattern +
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ProposedReengineeringOP +,
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