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ContentODPDescription -
CoversRequirement Which are the assumptions under which a certain thing is described?, Which are the concepts involved in the description of a certain thing?, What is the interpretation of this case/event/observation?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Description.jpg +
HasConsequence This CP allows the designer to represent both a (descriptive) context and the elements that characterize and are involved in that context.
HasElement Description/Description +, Description/Concept +, Description/isDefinedIn +, Description/isConceptUsedIn +, Description/defines +, Description/usesConcept +
HasIntent To formally represent a conceptualization or a descriptive context.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 12:48:26  +
Name Description  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
SubmittedBy ValentinaPresutti +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Description/Concept +, Description/Description +, Description/defines +, Description/isConceptUsedIn +, Description/isDefinedIn +, Description/usesConcept + ElementOf
Description in Range +, DescriptionAndSituation + HasComponent
Description in Range + IsSpecializationOf
Description in Range +, RecurrentSituationSeries +, Role task + RelatedCP
Situation classification + RelatedPattern


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