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Submissions:Description in Range
ContentODPDescription The Description In Range (DIR) ontology design patterns is a specialization of the Description ODP, that allows one to range the conceptualization of a descriptive context within specific borders defined by means of literal values.
CoversRequirement What are the descriptions related to a particular entity?, What entities are described in terms of a particular concept?, How the concepts involved in the description of a certain entity have been restricted within particular bounds?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Dir.png +
HasComponent Description +
HasElement Description in Range/DescriptionInRange +, Description in Range/Entity +, Description in Range/isRangedByValue +, Description in Range/hasInclusiveLowerBoundValue +, Description in Range/hasNonInclusiveLowerBoundValue +, Description in Range/hasInclusiveUpperBoundValue +, Description in Range/hasNonInclusiveUpperBoundValue +, Description in Range/isDescribedBy +, Description in Range/describes +
HasIntent This pattern allows one to range the conceptualization of a descriptive context within specific borders defined by means of literal values.
IsSpecializationOf Description +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 13 July 2016 14:03:42  +
Name Description in Range  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
RelatedCP Description +
Scenario # Scenario 1: In order to obtain the registered quality scheme PDO, the wine "Amarone della Valpolicella" has to comply with a set of rules including grape composition rules. In particular, it has to be made with a specific ampelographic composition that indicates the different types of grapes that contribute to form the wine, together with their percentage ranges. In this case, the "Amarone della Valpolicella" must be composed (among the others) by Corvina and Corvinone grapes from 45% to 95%. --- # Scenario 2: The policy document of "Parmigiano Reggiano" indicates that, for consumers, it presents a set of characteristics among which the "diameter of the plain faces", which must be within the range "35-45 cm", and the "external aspect" that should be "natural straw-coloured rind".
SubmittedBy SilvioPeroni +
SubmittedToEvent WOP 2016 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +
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