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ContentODPDescription See Adila Krisnadhi; Pascal Hitzler : A Core Pattern for Events. Under review at WOP 2016
CoversRequirement Where and when did the 1990 World Chess Championship Match take place?, Who were involved in the 1990 World Chess Championship Match?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy EventCore.png +
HasConsequence This pattern can model moving events and e This pattern can model moving events and events with discontinuous temporal extents, provided an appropriate spatiotemporal extent model is used. This pattern, however, does not facilitate modeling complex relationships between events, such as causality, provenance, or correlation h as causality, provenance, or correlation
HasElement EventCore/DASE RULE +, EventCore/freshProp1 +, EventCore/freshProp2 +, EventCore/hasInformationObject +, EventCore/hasSpatioTemporalExtent +, EventCore/providesParticipantRole +, EventCore/subEventOf +, EventCore/subSpatioTemporalExtentOf +, EventCore/Event +, EventCore/InformationObject +, EventCore/ParticipantRole +, EventCore/SpatioTemporalExtent +
HasIntent The purpose of this pattern is to provide The purpose of this pattern is to provide a minimalistic model of event where it is not always possible to separate its spatial and the temporal aspects, thus can model events that move or possess discontinuous temporal extent. Events according to this model has at least one participant, attached via a participant-role, and may have additional descriptive information through its information object. nformation through its information object.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 17 July 2016 15:34:46  +
Name EventCore  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Event Processing +
RelatedCP SpatioTemporalExtent +, ParticipantRole +, AgentRole +, Objectrole +, Information realization +, InformationObjectsAndRepresentationLanguages +, InformationObject +, EventProcessing +
Scenario The 1990 World Chess Championship Match takes place in New York from October 8 to November 7, 1990, and in Lyons, France, from November 26 to December 30, 1990.
SubmittedBy AdilaKrisnadhi +
SubmittedToEvent 2016 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +
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EventCore/DASE RULE +, EventCore/Event +, EventCore/InformationObject +, EventCore/ParticipantRole +, EventCore/SpatioTemporalExtent +, EventCore/freshProp1 +, EventCore/freshProp2 +, EventCore/hasInformationObject +, EventCore/hasSpatioTemporalExtent +, EventCore/providesParticipantRole +, EventCore/subEventOf +, EventCore/subSpatioTemporalExtentOf + ElementOf


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