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Submissions:ExperimentalParadigmData |
CPInstantiationExample | + |
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs | Experimental paradigm data OP + |
ContentODPDescription | a set of relations based on invariants of the experimental scientific method, oriented towards temporal representation and data representation |
CoversRequirement | <p>1.What information is available on this experimental subject?</p> <p>2.What data and its metadata were produced during the study in which areas?</p> <p>3.What is the timeline of the study?</p> |
GraphicallyRepresentedBy | ODP experiment.jpg + |
HasConsequence | in order to reflect the granularity of the … in order to reflect the granularity of the concrete events (several runs of experimental conditions during the same session corresponding to the same experimental paradigm), the relation between paradigm and conditions that specify it is a compositional mereotopological relation a compositional mereotopological relation |
HasIntent | to provide a minimal pattern for the integration and exploration of data from heterogeneous experimental paradigms in the biomedical domain |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 25 March 2023 19:40:38 + |
Name | ExperimentalParadigmData + |
OWLBuildingBlock | + |
PatternDomain | Healthcare + |
Scenario | clinical data collection; brain imaging data collection; biology and molecular biology data collection; speech analysis data collection; motor assessment data collection |
SubmittedBy | JacquesHilbey +, JeanCharlet + |
Categories | ProposedContentOP + |
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