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Submissions:GO Top
ContentODPDescription -
CoversRequirement What are the possible most general supertypes for any type from the gene-related domain?, What entity is part of another entity in the gene-related domain?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Gotop.jpg +
HasConsequence It allows to categorize gene-related types It allows to categorize gene-related types into three main types. It allows to represent parts of gene-related entities (transitively). It does not allow to represent the relationships between entities of different types. It does not say anything about disjointness of categories. anything about disjointness of categories.
HasElement GO Top/CellularComponent +, GO Top/MolecularFunction +, GO Top/BiologicalProcess +, GO Top/partOf +
HasIntent To represent types of gene-related entities and their parts.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 12 March 2010 14:50:33  +
Name Gene Ontology Top Level  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Biology +
RelatedCP PartOf +
Scenario A 'template for synthesis of G-rich strand of telomere DNA activity' must be part of a 'telomerase activity', All 'templates for synthesis of G-rich strand of telomere DNA activity' are 'molecular functions'
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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GO Top/BiologicalProcess +, GO Top/CellularComponent +, GO Top/MolecularFunction +, GO Top/partOf + ElementOf
References/Gene ontology + ReferenceSubject


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