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ContentODPDescription --
CoversRequirement in which water areas are what gear types used?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Gearwaterarea.jpg +
HasConsequence The relation between gear types and water The relation between gear types and water areas is general, i.e. not expressed in terms of logistics, legal constraints etc. Note that no statement is made as for the domain of the hasWaterArea property, as it applies to both GearType and VesselType in other patterns, and in principle could apply to other entities. Hence the domain is expressed through superclass universal restrictions on the GearType class. versal restrictions on the GearType class.
HasElement GearWaterArea/GearType +, GearWaterArea/WaterArea +, GearWaterArea/isUsedInWaterArea +, GearWaterArea/isSuitableForGearType +
HasIntent to represent gear types in terms of the water areas where they can be employed to collect aquatic resources
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 12:58:01  +
Name GearWaterArea  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Fishery +
Scenario in which water areas are 'bottom gillnets'?
SubmittedBy AlessandroAdamou +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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GearWaterArea/GearType +, GearWaterArea/WaterArea +, GearWaterArea/isSuitableForGearType +, GearWaterArea/isUsedInWaterArea + ElementOf


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