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ContentODPDescription A CONTENTSTATEMENT about the GEOVISUALIZAT A CONTENTSTATEMENT about the GEOVISUALIZATION with the SOURCE is: "the countries most affected (million per population) in the Americas are the United States, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile". That CONTENTSTATEMENT highlights at DATAPATTERN of type CLUSTER highlights at DATAPATTERN of type CLUSTER
CoversRequirement what does a geovisualization say about top what does a geovisualization say about topic X? At which spatial scale is that statement valid? At which temporal scale is the statement valid? what do other users say about a geovisualization which features share similar traits on a given geovisualization? imilar traits on a given geovisualization?
HasConsequence The pattern allows visualization developers to support insight capture during and after an interaction session with a geovisualization
HasIntent The goal of the pattern is to model the when, what, who, how and scope of insight capture during an interaction session with a geovisualization.
IsSpecializationOf TimeIndexedSituation +, Information realization +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 9 October 2020 09:29:43  +
Name GeoInsight  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Visualization +, Insight sharing +, Human-computer interaction +
RelatedCP AgentRole +
SubmittedBy AuriolDegbelo +
SubmittedToEvent WOP 2020 at ISWC +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +
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