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ContentODPAlsoKnownAs hasDamagingOrganism  +
ContentODPDescription Example: Y <has pest> X. An organism Y in which the organism X causes harm. E.g. "Litchi chinensis" <hasPest> "Bactrocera dorsalis";
CoversRequirement Which organism cause damage to a particular plant or animal?
HasConsequence An organism can be a pest of another organism, so the domain and range may be the same. This may leds to inconsistencies when instanciate the relationships.
HasIntent Define the relationship between a concept and an organism which has characteristics that are regarded by other organisms as injurious or unwanted. Generally causing damages.
IsSpecializationOf AgentRole +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 12 March 2010 14:52:21  +
Name hasPest  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Agriculture +
ReengineeredFrom Agrovoc Thesaurus, Agropedia Indica knowledge models
Scenario Bugs are pests for humans, gundy bug is a pest for rice
SubmittedBy MargheritaSini +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Waiting for review +
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AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model + RelatedCP


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