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ContentODPDescription This pattern employs a simple set of properties to link information objects to their meanings, and to entities they can be about.
CoversRequirement What is the meaning of an information object?, What information objects express this meaning?, What is this about?, How can I call this?
ExtractedFrom  +,  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Intensionextension.jpg +
HasConsequence We are able to distinguish between the int We are able to distinguish between the intension of the meaning of an information object (its social object, e.g. a concept), and its extension (the entities or ets of entities it can be about). In practice, this pattern allows to encode a minimal version of the semiotic triangle, and it's useful in all cases where the domain and task need to represent in a same ontology e.g. eords, concepts, and things. SKOS has an overlap with this pattern. gs. SKOS has an overlap with this pattern.
HasElement IntensionExtension/expresses +, IntensionExtension/isAbout +, IntensionExtension/isExpressedBy +, IntensionExtension/isReferenceOf +, IntensionExtension/InformationObject +, IntensionExtension/SocialObject +
HasIntent To represent the meaning of an information object: the concepts it expresses, the things it is about.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:03:32  +
Name IntensionExtension  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Semiotics +
RelatedCP Information realization +, LMM +, Tagging +, Topic +
Scenario 'Leonardo da Vinci' is the name of the main Rome airport, 'Legal Person' means an incorporated entity with legal status.
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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IntensionExtension/InformationObject +, IntensionExtension/SocialObject +, IntensionExtension/expresses +, IntensionExtension/isAbout +, IntensionExtension/isExpressedBy +, IntensionExtension/isReferenceOf + ElementOf
NewsReportingEvent +, ReportingEvent +, ReportingNewsEvent +, Tagging + HasComponent
NewsReportingEvent +, ReportingEvent +, ReportingNewsEvent + RelatedCP


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