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Submissions:Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP
Lexico-SyntacticODPAlsoKnownAs LSP-PCP-EN  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPAuthor Elena Montiel-Ponsoda  +, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea  +, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa  +, Asunción Gómez-Pérez  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPCorrespondance one LSP to one ODP  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPHasCase Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP/1 +, Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP/2 +
Lexico-SyntacticODPIntent Recurrent expressions in English that state that two objects participate in the same event
Lexico-SyntacticODPLanguage English  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPName Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPRelatedTo Co-participation +
Lexico-SyntacticODPSolutionDescription The set of Lexico-Syntactic ODPs included here have a direct correspondence to the Content ODP for modelling "Co-participation".
Lexico-SyntacticODPSubmittedBy ElenaMontiel-Ponsoda +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 15 March 2010 14:26:20  +
Categories ProposedLexicoSyntacticOP +
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Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP/1 +, Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP/2 + Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseOf
References/NeOn Deliverable D2 5 1 2 + ReferenceSubject


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