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Submissions:Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs 2
Lexico-SyntacticODPAlsoKnownAs LSP-SC-Di-EC-ES  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPAuthor Elena Montiel-Ponsoda  +, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea  +, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa  +, Asunción Gómez-Pérez  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPCorrespondance one LSP to the combination of several ODPs  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPIntent Recurrent expressions in Spanish that state a relation between a (super)class and all the distinct (sub)classes that belong to the superclass.
Lexico-SyntacticODPLanguage Spanish  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPName Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs  +
Lexico-SyntacticODPSolutionDescription The set of Lexico-Syntactic ODPs included The set of Lexico-Syntactic ODPs included here have a direct correspondence to the Logical ODPs for modelling "SubclassOf relation", "Disjoint Classes", and "Exhaustive Classes" described in the Technical report D5.1.1, NeOn project Deliverable (see Web Reference below). ect Deliverable (see Web Reference below).
Lexico-SyntacticODPSubmittedBy ElenaMontiel-Ponsoda +
Lexico-SyntacticODPWebReference  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 March 2010 20:12:00  +
Categories ProposedLexicoSyntacticOP +
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