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Submissions:Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP/1
Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseFormalization [(NP<subclass>,)* and] NP<subclass> be [CN-CATV] NP<superclass>
Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseJAPECode SC 1 2.jape +
Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseNLFormulation An orphan drug is a type of drug., Odometry, speedometry and GPS are types of sensors.
Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseOf Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 25 February 2010 15:43:00  +
Categories Lexico-Syntactic ODP Case +
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Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP + Lexico-SyntacticODPHasCase


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