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Submissions:Literal Reification
ContentODPDescription Literals are reified in proper ontological individual (belonging to the class 'Literal'), expressing the literal value they refer to through a data property. This reification allows to use each 'reified literal' as subject or object of assertions.
CoversRequirement What is the context in which entities refer to a particular literal value?, What is the meaning of a particular value considering the context in which it is used?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Literalreification new.png +
HasConsequence This pattern allows to specify different contexts and/or meanings to a particular literal value.
HasElement Literal Reification/Literal +, Literal Reification/hasSameLiteralValueAs +, Literal Reification/hasLiteral +, Literal Reification/isLiteralOf +, Literal Reification/hasLiteralValue +
HasIntent This pattern promotes any literal as “first class object” in OWL by reifying it as a proper individual of the class litre:Literal.
IsSpecializationOf Region +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 September 2010 14:38:02  +
Name Literal Reification  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
RelatedCP Region +
Scenario Modelling domains concerning descriptive tags, in which each tag may have more than one meaning depending on the context in which it is used. Extending quickly the capabilities of a model by adding the possibility to make assertions on values, previously referred through data properties, without modifying it.
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +, SilvioPeroni +, FabioVitali +
SubmittedToEvent 2010 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +, Review assigned +
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Template Instance + RelatedCP
Literal Reification/Scenario 1 +, Literal Reification/Scenario 2 + ScenarioOf


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