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Submissions:Map Legend Ontology
ContentODPDescription In this work, we formalize a map legend ontology (MLO) that can be used for semantically annotate and query map contents via their legend in a machine-readable manner using Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies.
CoversRequirement What are the common symbol resources to represent highway transportation systems? Which maps show places with a population density larger than 1000 people per square miles? Which maps contain both Ski Areas and Camping Areas?
HasIntent Map legends are keys to the understanding Map legends are keys to the understanding of symbols used on maps. Without such legends and the knowledge to interpret them, maps are reduced to mere pictures.From an information retrieval perspective, facts such as that a certain map contains transportation features organized in a hierarchy of highways, streets, trails, and so forth, remain hidden and therefore can neither be used by machines nor humans to enable a richer search for map contents. o enable a richer search for map contents.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 20 August 2016 08:24:37  +
Name Map Legend Ontology  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Geography +, GIScience +
SubmittedBy SongGao +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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