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CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPDescription The entities Mitigation and Susceptibility The entities Mitigation and Susceptibility, which are key concepts to model when dealign with risk assessment and mitigation planning, have been added to the pattern. An Object hasSusceptibility to an Amount of Exposure to a Hazard. A Mitigation can change the level of Exposure to a Hazard. change the level of Exposure to a Hazard.
CoversRequirement What is the consequence of exposing a particular object to a particular hazard for a particular amount of time?, What are the hazards to a particular object at a particular geographic location?, What hazards are capable of causing a given consequence?, What susceptibilities could result in negative consequences to an object exposed to a particular hazard?, What mitigation strategies could be used to effect exposure to a particular hazard?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy ModifiedHazardousSituation.png +
HasConsequence The modified version of the hazardous situation pattern is not completely compatible with the original, due to changing the range of the involves property from Hazard to Exposure. This change could arguably be made to the original pattern as well.
HasIntent To modify the existing HazardousSituation ODP to additionally support proactive questions central to risk assessment and mitigation planning.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 11 October 2016 18:03:09  +
Name ModifiedHazardousSituation  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
Scenario A person who is lactose intolerant (a susceptibility) exposes herself to a hazard (eating ice cream) and experiences a consequence (stomach ache).
SubmittedBy Michelle Cheatham +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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