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ContentODPDescription The pattern models the physical characteri The pattern models the physical characteristics that can be extracted from the sound wave produced by an instrument playing a musical note. The MusicalObject class is connected to four classes that describe these physical characteristics, namely duration, sound intensity, frequency and envelope. The MusicObjectDuration class expresses the duration in seconds of the musical object, by means of the object property hasDurationInSeconds. In the same way, the musical intensity is modelled via the SoundIntensity class. Frequency is modelled by means of the class Frequency and its sub-classes FundamentalFrequency and PartialFrequency. For each expressed frequency, the magnitude of the frequency is also indicated using the hasFrequencyMagnitude object property. Finally, the Envelope class is connected to four object properties that describe the envelope of the waveform according to the ADSR model, namely hasAttack, hasSustain, hasDecay and hasRelease. tack, hasSustain, hasDecay and hasRelease.
CoversRequirement what is the fundamental frequency of a musical object?, what are the different frequencies that make up the spectrum of a musical object?, what is the duration in seconds of a musical object, in a given performance?, how is the envelope of a musical object shaped?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Musicalobject pattern.png +
HasElement Musicalobject/Envelope +, Musicalobject/Frequency +, Musicalobject/FundamentalFrequency +, Musicalobject/PartialFrequency +, Musicalobject/MusicalObject +, Musicalobject/MusicalObjectDuration +, Musicalobject/SoundIntensity +, Musicalobject/hasDuration +, Musicalobject/hasEnvelope +, Musicalobject/hasFrequency +, Musicalobject/hasSoundIntensity +, Musicalobject/isDurationOf +, Musicalobject/isEnvelopeOf +, Musicalobject/isFrequencyOf +, Musicalobject/isSoundIntensityOf +, Musicalobject/hasAttack +, Musicalobject/hasDecay +, Musicalobject/hasDurationInSeconds +, Musicalobject/hasFrequencyMagnitude +, Musicalobject/hasIntensityValue +, Musicalobject/hasRelease +, Musicalobject/hasSustain +
HasIntent This content ODP models the acoustic features of a music note played in a performance.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 September 2021 09:43:01  +
Name musicalobject  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Music +
RelatedCP Http:// +, Submissions: +
SubmittedBy AndreaPoltronieri +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Musicalobject/Envelope +, Musicalobject/Frequency +, Musicalobject/FundamentalFrequency +, Musicalobject/MusicalObject +, Musicalobject/MusicalObjectDuration +, Musicalobject/PartialFrequency +, Musicalobject/SoundIntensity +, Musicalobject/coversRequirements +, Musicalobject/extractedFrom +, Musicalobject/hasAttack +, Musicalobject/hasComponent +, Musicalobject/hasConsequences +, Musicalobject/hasDecay +, Musicalobject/hasDuration +, Musicalobject/hasDurationInSeconds +, Musicalobject/hasEnvelope +, Musicalobject/hasFrequency +, Musicalobject/hasFrequencyMagnitude +, Musicalobject/hasIntensityValue +, Musicalobject/hasIntent +, ElementOf


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