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CoversRequirement what is the name of a note?, what part of the score does a note belong to?, what are the dynamic indications referring to a note in the score?, what is the fundamental frequency of a note?, what are the different frequencies that make up the spectrum of a note?, what is the duration in seconds of a note, in a given performance?, how is the envelope of a note shaped?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Scorepart pattern.png +
HasComponent Information realization +
HasElement Notepattern/SymbolicNote +, Notepattern/Accidental +, Notepattern/Position +, Notepattern/NotePitch +, Notepattern/NoteDuration +, Notepattern/NoteDynamic +, Notepattern/hasMeasure +, Notepattern/hasMeasurePosition +, Notepattern/hasMidiPitch +, Notepattern/isDefinedByOctave +, Notepattern/hasLiteralDynamic +, Notepattern/hasMidiVelocity +, Notepattern/hasNoteDynamic +, Notepattern/isDynamicOf +, Notepattern/hasNoteDuration +, Notepattern/isDurationOfNote +, Notepattern/hasNotePitch +, Notepattern/isPitchOf +, Notepattern/hasAccidental +, Notepattern/isAccidentalOf +, Notepattern/hasPosition +, Notepattern/isPositionOf +
HasIntent The Music Note ODP models a symbolic note and its symbolic attributes.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 September 2021 20:21:20  +
Name notepattern  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
RelatedCP // +, // +
SubmittedBy AndreaPoltronieri +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Notepattern/Accidental +, Notepattern/NoteDuration +, Notepattern/NoteDynamic +, Notepattern/NotePitch +, Notepattern/Position +, Notepattern/SymbolicNote +, Notepattern/belongsToMeasure +, Notepattern/coversRequirements +, Notepattern/extractedFrom +, Notepattern/hasAccidental +, Notepattern/hasComponent +, Notepattern/hasConsequences +, Notepattern/hasIntent +, Notepattern/hasLiteralDynamic +, Notepattern/hasMeasure +, Notepattern/hasMeasurePosition +, Notepattern/hasMidiPitch +, Notepattern/hasMidiVelocity +, Notepattern/hasNoteDuration +, Notepattern/hasNoteDynamic +, ElementOf


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