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Submissions:Object with states
CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPDescription The pattern contains three classes, one fo The pattern contains three classes, one for representing objects, another for representing object states, and a third one for representing sets of states. Besides, it contains object properties for relating objects and states (which are subproperties of those defined in the Situation pattern [[]]) and for relating states and sets of states (reused from the CollectionEntity pattern [[]]) and a datatype property for defining the size of a set of states (reused from the Set pattern [[]]). For applying the pattern, first all the possible states of the object must be created as instances of the state class using the Value Partition pattern []. Then, different classes must be defined to represent the object in each of the states and state-specific restrictions must be applied to those classes; the object class must be defined as a disjoint union of these classes. ined as a disjoint union of these classes.
CoversRequirement Objects must have a unique state, Object states must belong to a single collection of non-duplicate elements (i.e., to a set), The possible states are: StateA, StateB and StateC, An object can have three different states, Objects in StateA must have at least one value for property property1, Objects in StateB must have at most one value for property property2, Objects in StateC must have exactly one value for property property3
GraphicallyRepresentedBy ObjectWithStatesODP.png +
HasConsequence The pattern requires modelling states as individuals instead of as literals.
HasElement Object with states/hasState +, Object with states/isStateOf +, Object with states/Object +, Object with states/State +, Object with states/StateSet +
HasIntent An object can have different states for which different restrictions apply. The goal of the pattern is to allow modelling the different states of an object and the restrictions on such object for its different states.
IsSpecializationOf Situation +
KnownUse  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 August 2013 11:30:55  +
Name Object with states  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
RelatedCP CollectionEntity +, Set +
Scenario A sample scenario is the following. A software defect created in an issue tracker must have a creator and be associated to a certain software product. Once it is checked that the defect is reproducible, it must be assigned to some developer and have a certain priority. However, before checking the defect reproducilibty the defect must not have either asignee or priority.
SubmittedBy RaúlGarcía-Castro +
SubmittedToEvent 2013 +
TakesInAccountReview AlessandroAdamou about Object with states +, RinkeHoekstra about Object with states +, BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states +, BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states 2 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Review assigned +, Submitted to event +
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Object with states/Object +, Object with states/ObjectStateA +, Object with states/ObjectStateB +, Object with states/ObjectStateC +, Object with states/State +, Object with states/StateA +, Object with states/StateB +, Object with states/StateC +, Object with states/StateSet +, Object with states/hasState +, Object with states/isStateOf +, Object with states/property1 +, Object with states/property2 +, Object with states/property3 + ElementOf


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