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ContentODPDescription ...
CoversRequirement What objects have been observed? What are the observations of this object? What are the parameters under which this object was observed? What objects were observed under this parameter?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Observation.jpg +
HasConsequence We are able to represent the parameters of observations made.
HasElement Observation/hasObservation +, Observation/hasParameter +, Observation/isObservationOf +, Observation/isParameterOf +, Observation/inDate +, Observation/Observation +, Observation/Parameter +
HasIntent The intent of this pattern is to represent observations of things, under a set of parameters. Common parameters may be the time and place of the observation, but may be any feature that is observed concerning the specific thing being observed.
IsSpecializationOf Situation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:28:39  +
Name Observation  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Science +
Scenario The aquatic species 'Skipjack tuna' was observed in 2004 having the exploitation state 'fully exploited' in the climatic zone 'tropical' at the vertical distance 'pelagic'.
SubmittedBy EvaBlomqvist +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Observation/Observation +, Observation/Parameter +, Observation/hasObservation +, Observation/hasParameter +, Observation/inDate +, Observation/isObservationOf +, Observation/isParameterOf + ElementOf
Pollution + HasComponent
AquaticResourceObservation +, CatchRecord +, ResourceAbundanceObservation +, ResourceExploitationObservation + IsSpecializationOf
Experience & Observation + RelatedCP


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