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ContentODPDescription The pattern introduces a situation that connects the object to its role in a particular event.
CoversRequirement What is the role of this object in this event?, What is the object holding this role in this event?, In what event did this object hold this role?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy ParticipantRole.jpg +
HasComponent Situation +, Participation +
HasConsequence This pattern does not take into account time aspects of the participation, for such aspects see the timeindexedparticipation-pattern.
HasElement ParticipantRole/Role +, ParticipantRole/ParticipantRole +, ParticipantRole/participatingInEvent +, ParticipantRole/objectParticipating +, ParticipantRole/roleOfParticipant +, ParticipantRole/objectIncludedIn +, ParticipantRole/roleIncludedIn +, ParticipantRole/eventIncludedIn +
HasIntent To represent participants in events holding specific roles in that particular event.
IsSpecializationOf Participation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 24 March 2010 17:14:22  +
Name ParticipantRole  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Organization +
RelatedCP Time indexed participation +
Scenario John was elected the meeting secretary of today's board meeting. During the party we used the blue cup as a vase.
SubmittedBy EvaBlomqvist +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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ParticipantRole/ParticipantRole +, ParticipantRole/Role +, ParticipantRole/eventIncludedIn +, ParticipantRole/objectIncludedIn +, ParticipantRole/objectParticipating +, ParticipantRole/participatingInEvent +, ParticipantRole/roleIncludedIn +, ParticipantRole/roleOfParticipant + ElementOf
CommunicationEvent + HasComponent
CommunicationEvent + IsSpecializationOf
EventCore + RelatedCP


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