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ContentODPDescription The class “Interval” defined in the OWL-Ti The class “Interval” defined in the OWL-Time ontol-ogy has been extended within this pattern by means of the class “PeriodicInterval”. This concept has been created in order to define periodic intervals. As we have al-ready mentioned, these intervals are defined by four elements, namely, its beginning, its end, the duration of each subinterval and the duration of the period, that is, the gaps between two subintervals. In order to model the beginning and end of the inter-val, we have reused the relationships “hasBeginning” and “hasEnd” already defined in the OWL-Time ontology. By taking advantage of the concepts and relations al-ready defined in the OWL-Time ontology instead of creating new ones we both pro-mote the reuse of existing models and avoid the inclusion of unnecessary complexity within the pattern being developed. The durations of the subintervals and the period between them have been modelled by means of the relationships “hasIntervalDura-tionPerPeriod” and “hasPeriod” respectively. Both relationships are defined between the concepts “PeriodicInterval” and “DurationDescription”. riodicInterval” and “DurationDescription”.
CoversRequirement What is the period of the interval 'every tuesday of 2010'? The period is a week (weekly).
GraphicallyRepresentedBy PeriodicIntervalv0.jpg +
HasConsequence This content pattern allows designers to represent non-convex intervals where the period between subintervals, that is, the gaps between subintervals, and the duration of the subintervals are constant.
HasElement PeriodicInterval/hasIntervalDurationPerPeriod +, PeriodicInterval/hasPeriod +, PeriodicInterval/PeriodicInterval +
HasIntent The goal of this pattern is to represent non-convex intervals where the duration of each internal interval and the duration of the gaps between intervals are constant. These intervals are called periodic intervals within the context of this pattern.
KnownUse  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 21 August 2012 12:37:19  +
Name PeriodicInterval  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Time +
Scenario Sam teaches every monday
SubmittedBy MariaPoveda +, MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa +
SubmittedToEvent 2012 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Submitted to event +, Review assigned +
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PeriodicInterval/PeriodicInterval +, PeriodicInterval/hasIntervalDurationPerPeriod +, PeriodicInterval/hasPeriod + ElementOf


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