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CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPDescription --
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Imagen3.jpg +
HasConsequence Especific models for invoices can be aligned to this pattern, which then acts as a semantic facade to different invoice management applications. This pattern is concreter and simplier, but less flexible than the invoice ODP.
HasElement PharmaInnova/Header +, PharmaInnova/Body +, PharmaInnova/Summary +, PharmaInnova/Invoice +, PharmaInnova/has summary +, PharmaInnova/has header +, PharmaInnova/has body +
HasIntent To describe invoices with the PharmaInnova Model. This schema can be applied to other invoice models.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:35:12  +
Name PharmaInnova  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Business +
RelatedCP Invoice +
SubmittedBy Sandra Kohler +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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PharmaInnova/Body +, PharmaInnova/Header +, PharmaInnova/Invoice +, PharmaInnova/Summary +, PharmaInnova/has body +, PharmaInnova/has header +, PharmaInnova/has summary + ElementOf


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