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ContentODPDescription The pattern’s main entity is a policy. Appropriate object properties connect the policy with significant attributes and other entities.
CoversRequirement <p><i>What are the main entiti <p><i>What are the main entities associated with a policy?</i> A policy is usually associated with:<ul><li>super/sub-policies</li> <li>processes</li> <li>agents</li> <li>other entities</li></ul></p> <p><ul><li><i>What are the main attributes of a policy?</i> They are: ttributes of a policy?</i> They are:, version, language, policy type, requirement level, implementation status, automation status</li></ul></p> <p><ul><li><i>Where is a policy described?</i> Statements are detailed text (formal or non- formal) definitions of the policy contents.</li></ul></p>
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Policies ODP.png +
HasConsequence The Policy ODP is expected to facilitate the representation of the policy notion, which can be exploited in various domains. A well-established, comprehensible pattern will prove to be advantageous.
HasElement Policy/assignedTo +, Policy/hasAutomationStatus +, Policy/hasImplementationStatus +, Policy/hasLanguage +, Policy/hasPolicyType +, Policy/hasRequirementLevel +, Policy/hasStatement +, Policy/hasSubPolicy +, Policy/hasValidationProcess +, Policy/hasVersion +, Policy/implementedBy +, Policy/targetsEntity +, Policy/targetsUsers +, Policy/AutomationStatus +, Policy/Descriptor +, Policy/ImplementationStatus +, Policy/Language +, Policy/Policy +, Policy/PolicyType +, Policy/Process +, Policy/RequirementLevel +, Policy/Statement +, Policy/Version +
HasIntent The pattern intends to model policies, the The pattern intends to model policies, their characteristics and their associated entities, such as processes and agents. This pattern has been developed by [ MKLab] at CERTH/ITI and the University of Liverpool for the [ PERICLES] FP7 project. PERICLES] FP7 project.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 7 December 2016 14:29:03  +
Name Policy  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
Scenario <ul><li>The policy has two sub <ul><li>The policy has two subpolicies.</li><li>The policy is implemented by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is validated by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is assigned to John Smith.</li><li>The policy is fully automated.</li></ul> is fully automated.</li></ul>
SubmittedBy PanagiotisMitzias +, FabioCorubolo +, EfstratiosKontopoulos +, MarinaRiga +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Waiting for review +
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Policy/AutomationStatus +, Policy/Descriptor +, Policy/ImplementationStatus +, Policy/Language +, Policy/Policy +, Policy/PolicyType +, Policy/Process +, Policy/RequirementLevel +, Policy/Statement +, Policy/Version +, Policy/assignedTo +, Policy/hasAutomationStatus +, Policy/hasImplementationStatus +, Policy/hasLanguage +, Policy/hasPolicyType +, Policy/hasRequirementLevel +, Policy/hasStatement +, Policy/hasSubPolicy +, Policy/hasValidationProcess +, Policy/hasVersion +, ElementOf


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