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Submissions:Quantity Triad Pattern
ArchitecturalODPAlsoKnownAs Jack Hodges  +
ArchitecturalODPAuthor Jack Hodges  +, Ralph Hodgson  +, Steve Ray  +
ArchitecturalODPComponent QuantityKind, Quantity, Unit, QuantityValue, QuantityKindDimensionVector, SystemOfQuantityKind, SytemOfUnit
ArchitecturalODPDomain Quantities +, Measurement +, Units +, Dimensions +
ArchitecturalODPName Quantity Triad Pattern  +
ArchitecturalODPProblem Precise and coherent representation of Qua Precise and coherent representation of Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and their associate Datatypes confounds all engineering and science domains and applications. Translation between different standards is problematic, performing unit conversions, performing dimensional analysis, and creating/instantiating variables in semantic applications are a few problematic areas such a pattern can help mitigate. ic areas such a pattern can help mitigate.
ArchitecturalODPSolution A structured integration of Quantity Kinds A structured integration of Quantity Kinds, Quantities, and Quantity Values that are themselves integrated with QuantityKindDimensionVectors and the associated SystemsOfQuantityKinds and SystemsOfUnits allowing for general integration into any scientific domain model or pattern. to any scientific domain model or pattern.
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Quantity Triad Pattern.png +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 March 2020 17:48:02  +
SubmittedBy JohnHodges +
Categories ArrchitecturalOP +, ProposedArchitecturalOP +, Waiting for review +
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