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ContentODPAlsoKnownAs TrackableSituation  +, Story  +
ContentODPDescription This pattern defines a set of object properties to be used represent a sequence of events, generated by actions and producing some reactions. The usage should be focused on the object properties, leaving type relations to be inferred.
CoversRequirement In which order some agents has been involved in a situation?, Who contributed to produce a particular reaction?, Who contributed to some event?, Who produced, directly as well as indirectly, a certain event?, Who reacted to some event?
HasConsequence This model solution is time-indexing independent. Datatypes for that are not provided and probably it should be avoided. The focus is on the sequence.
HasElement Reaction/hasConsequence +, Reaction/hasNextAction +, Reaction/hasNextEvent +, Reaction/hasOutcome +, Reaction/hasPreviousAction +, Reaction/hasPreviousEvent +, Reaction/isCoagentWith +, Reaction/isConcurrentWith +, Reaction/isConsequenceOf +, Reaction/isOutcomeOf +, Reaction/isPerformedBy +, Reaction/isRaisedBy +, Reaction/performs +, Reaction/raise +, Reaction/Action +, Reaction/Consequence +, Reaction/Event +, Reaction/ExternalAction +, Reaction/ExternalAgent +, Reaction/Reaction +
HasIntent To model dynamic situations, tracking agents and actions they produce, events that are results of some action(s), and consequences as new actions, i.e. reactions
IsSpecializationOf AgentRole +, Sequence +, Situation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:42:25  +
Name Reaction  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Workflow +
RelatedCP AgentRole +, Sequence +, Situation +
SubmittedBy EnricoDaga +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Reaction/Action +, Reaction/Consequence +, Reaction/Event +, Reaction/ExternalAction +, Reaction/ExternalAgent +, Reaction/Reaction +, Reaction/hasConsequence +, Reaction/hasNextAction +, Reaction/hasNextEvent +, Reaction/hasOutcome +, Reaction/hasPreviousAction +, Reaction/hasPreviousEvent +, Reaction/isCoagentWith +, Reaction/isConcurrentWith +, Reaction/isConsequenceOf +, Reaction/isOutcomeOf +, Reaction/isPerformedBy +, Reaction/isRaisedBy +, Reaction/performs +, Reaction/raise + ElementOf


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