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ContentODPDescription This pattern is a basic one, which allows to talk about attributes/parameters/dimensions, while still referring to their values. It creates a path from things to data values through 'regions' representing attributes.
CoversRequirement What is the value for the attribute of that entity?, Which entities have a certain value on that parameter/attribute/feature?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Region.jpg +
HasConsequence We can represent and reason on *any* kind We can represent and reason on *any* kind of attributes, parameters, features, etc., which have a given set of values. With the new OWL2 support for custom and complex datatypes, this pattern should be confronted with possible enrichments, or may be restricted to OWL1. Anyway, since datatypes cannot overlap with classes even in OWL2, it remains useful for the cases where the domain must be kept homogeneous. where the domain must be kept homogeneous.
HasElement Region/hasRegion +, Region/isRegionFor +, Region/hasRegionDataValue +, Region/Region +
HasIntent To represent and reason on values of attributes of things, by explicitly talking about the dimensions ("regions") of the attributes, which include those values.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:43:05  +
Name Region  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Region/Region +, Region/hasRegion +, Region/hasRegionDataValue +, Region/isRegionFor + ElementOf
Time indexed participation +, Transition + HasComponent
Literal Reification + IsSpecializationOf
Literal Reification + RelatedCP


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