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Submissions:Role task
CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs task role  +
ContentODPDescription This pattern is basic, and is used to connect intensional descriptions of actions (tasks) and objects (roles).
CoversRequirement What roles are this task of?, What tasks do have this role?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Taskrole.jpg +
HasConsequence This pattern allows to put roles in the domain of discourse. It does not allow to model time indexed task assignement.
HasElement Role task/Role +, Role task/hasTask +, Role task/Task +, Role task/isTaskOf +
HasIntent To represent the assignment of tasks to roles
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:48:04  +
Name role task  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Organization +, Management +, Scheduling +
RelatedCP AgentRole +, Description +, Objectrole +
Scenario Students have the duty of giving exams
SubmittedBy ValentinaPresutti +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Role task/Role +, Role task/Task +, Role task/hasTask +, Role task/isTaskOf + ElementOf


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