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CoversRequirement What is the instrument playing a specific score part?, How many voices does the score part have?, Which are the metrics defining the sections of the score part?
HasElement Scorepart/Part +, Scorepart/Section +, Scorepart/Instrument +, Scorepart/Voice +, Scorepart/HomogeneousFragment +, Scorepart/hasMidiProgram +, Scorepart/hasStaff +, Scorepart/hasClef +, Scorepart/hasTempo +, Scorepart/hasMetric +, Scorepart/isPlayedBy +, Scorepart/hasVoice +, Scorepart/hasSection +, Scorepart/hasFragment +, Scorepart/isFragmentOf +, Scorepart/isSectionOf +, Scorepart/isVoiceOf +, Scorepart/playsPart +
HasIntent This content ODP formalises the structure and the hierarchies of a music score/symbolic representation system.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 September 2021 20:56:08  +
Name scorepart  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
SubmittedBy AndreaPoltronieri +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Scorepart/HomogeneousFragment +, Scorepart/Instrument +, Scorepart/Part +, Scorepart/Section +, Scorepart/Voice +, Scorepart/hasClef +, Scorepart/hasFragment +, Scorepart/hasMetric +, Scorepart/hasMidiProgram +, Scorepart/hasSection +, Scorepart/hasStaff +, Scorepart/hasTempo +, Scorepart/hasVoice +, Scorepart/isFragmentOf +, Scorepart/isPlayedBy +, Scorepart/isSectionOf +, Scorepart/isVoiceOf +, Scorepart/playsPart + ElementOf


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