What are the preconditions of a comple event? And what is the temporal distance between a complex event and its preconditions?,
Who has participanted in the event? (Dul:Agent),
Which situation (including object; its property and its state) has been captured in the form of a manifestation event?,
When does an Event occur? (Dul:TimeInterval)
SHEvent.png +
SmartHome Event/ComplexEvent +,
SmartHome Event/EventCondition +,
SmartHome Event/Manifestation +,
SmartHome Event/event +
This pattern is used to represent events i … This pattern is used to represent events in the context of smart environments. An event in this pattern is represented in the form of either a Manifestation or a Complex Event, where a manifestation represents the occurrence of a specific situation of an object which can be directly captured from sensor data ("the TV is switched on"), whereas a complex event is defined based on its preconditions that can involve different events (e.g., "watching TV" happens when "the TV is switched on" and "someone is sitting on the couch").
The precondition of a complex event is represented in the form of a situation (DUL:Situation) which indicates proper temporal distances between a complex event and, the events involved in its definition. nd, the events involved in its definition.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
4 December 2017 16:18:01 +
event +
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MarjanAlirezaie +
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