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Submissions:SmartHome Geometry
ContentODPDescription TBD
CoversRequirement What are the spatial entities (objects with geometry) in a smart home environment?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Geo.png +
HasElement SmartHome Geometry/eastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/hasDirectionalRelation +, SmartHome Geometry/hasSpatialRelation +, SmartHome Geometry/northEastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/northOf +, SmartHome Geometry/northWestOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southEastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southWestOf +, SmartHome Geometry/westOf +, SmartHome Geometry/SmartHomeGeoFeature +
HasIntent To represent geospatial relations between objects.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 24 January 2017 10:44:23  +
Name SmartHome_Geometry  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
SubmittedBy MarjanAlirezaie +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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SmartHome Geometry/SmartHomeGeoFeature +, SmartHome Geometry/eastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/hasDirectionalRelation +, SmartHome Geometry/hasSpatialRelation +, SmartHome Geometry/northEastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/northOf +, SmartHome Geometry/northWestOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southEastOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southOf +, SmartHome Geometry/southWestOf +, SmartHome Geometry/westOf + ElementOf


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