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ContentODPDescription See Adila Krisnadhi, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz. A Spatiotemporal Extent Pattern based on Semantic Trajectories. Under review for WOP 2016.
CoversRequirement Where is Poland located in 1700?, List all places and time in which the 1990 World Chess Championship Match take place., Where and when did the oceanographic cruise A01132 go?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Spatiotemporal.png +
HasComponent Trajectory +
HasElement SpatioTemporalExtent/hasSpatioTemporalExtent +, SpatioTemporalExtent/hasTrajectory +, SpatioTemporalExtent/SpatioTemporalExtent +, SpatioTemporalExtent/Trajectory +
HasIntent This pattern models a spatiotemporal extent, i.e., a combination of spatial and temporal extent as a set of generalized trajectories which cannot have temporal overlap. This pattern reuses semantic trajectory pattern as component.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 17 July 2016 19:22:48  +
Name SpatioTemporalExtent  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Earth Science or Geoscience +, General +
RelatedCP Trajectory +
Scenario The World Chess Championship Match 1990 was held in two parts: New York (October 8 to November 7) and Lyons - France (November 26 to December 30).The Renaissance occured in different places at different times.A hurricane moves through the spacetime.
SubmittedBy AdilaKrisnadhi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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SpatioTemporalExtent/SpatioTemporalExtent +, SpatioTemporalExtent/Trajectory +, SpatioTemporalExtent/hasSpatioTemporalExtent +, SpatioTemporalExtent/hasTrajectory + ElementOf
EventCore + RelatedCP


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