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ContentODPDescription --
CoversRequirement What is the conservation status of this species? What are the species with a specific conservation status? What species' conservation status contain a specific string?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Speciesconservation.jpg +
HasConsequence The conservation status is simply represented as a string, there are no restrictions on how to express the status, thereby an additional convention on how to express this in natural language could be needed if a uniform naming of status levels is desired.
HasElement SpeciesConservation/AquaticSpecies +, SpeciesConservation/hasConservationStatus +
HasIntent This pattern intend to represent a description of the conservation status of aquatic species.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:55:02  +
Name SpeciesConservation  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
Scenario Give me the species for which conservation status contains 'Vulnerable'; Give me the species for which conservation status is 'vulnerable'; Give me the conservation status for species 'Ostrica gigas
SubmittedBy EvaBlomqvist +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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SpeciesConservation/AquaticSpecies +, SpeciesConservation/hasConservationStatus + ElementOf


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