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ContentODPDescription --
CoversRequirement what local names are used for that species? what synonyms exist for that species? can that species be confused with some other one?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Speciesnames.jpg +
HasConsequence Terminological and conceptual similarity between species can be encoded byusing the three properties in this pattern.
HasElement SpeciesNames/AquaticSpecies +, SpeciesNames/hasLocalName +, SpeciesNames/canBeConfusedWith +, SpeciesNames/hasSynonym +
HasIntent To express the terminological variants and the conceptual similarity that can be sources of confusion between species.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:57:55  +
Name SpeciesNames  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
Scenario give me the species containing local name 'oyster'; give me the synonyms and localnames for species 'Ostrica gigas'; give me the species with which species 'Ostrica gigas' can be confused
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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SpeciesNames/AquaticSpecies +, SpeciesNames/canBeConfusedWith +, SpeciesNames/hasLocalName +, SpeciesNames/hasSynonym + ElementOf


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