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ContentODPDescription Tagging pattern exploits the [[Submissions:Situation|Situation]] pattern in order to encode Gruber's definition that has tagging as a relation between an agent, a tag from a folksonomy, a content tagged, a polarity.
CoversRequirement Who is tagging (the content of) what, by using what term from what folksonomy?, Which polarity has the tagging?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Tagging.png +
HasComponent AgentRole +, CollectionEntity +, IntensionExtension +
HasConsequence We are able to represent data about tagging activities from web 2.0 applications, from document annotation projects, or from RDFa documents.
HasElement Tagging/byAgent +, Tagging/isTagUsedIn +, Tagging/isTaggingAgentIn +, Tagging/usingTag +
HasIntent To represent a tagging situation, in which someone uses a term, from a list of a folksonomy, to tag something (or the content of something). We might also want to represent the time and the polarity of the tagging.
IsSpecializationOf TimeIndexedSituation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:58:15  +
Name Tagging  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Web2.0 +, DocumentManagement +
RelatedCP Topic +
Scenario A Flickr picture showing a leopard, tagged with the Tag 'leopard', A Flickr picture showing a boy surfing with a sombrero hat, tagged with the Tag 'cool', A Flickr picture tagged as 'taken in Sicily'
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Tagging/byAgent +, Tagging/isTagUsedIn +, Tagging/isTaggingAgentIn +, Tagging/usingTag + ElementOf
IntensionExtension + RelatedCP


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