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Description The Peircean interpretant relation, widely The Peircean interpretant relation, widely adopted in semiotics: an Expression isInterpretantFor another, e.g. fourLeggedFriendOfHumans isInterpretantFor dog. Synonymy, associativity, and even topical proximity are all sources for interpretants, e.g.: domestic dog isInterpretantFor dog (synonymy); bark isInterpretantFor dog (associativity); veterinary isInterpretantFor dog (topical proximity). Semantic mechanisms such as metonymy depend on the interpretant relation. The interpretant relation is here taken as very broad, also accepting InformationRealization(s) as interpretants. nformationRealization(s) as interpretants.
ElementOf TestPattern +
ElementType owl:ObjectProperty  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 10 March 2009 17:41:10  +
Name hasInterpretant  +
Categories OntologyElement +
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