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CPInstantiationExample  +
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs temporary part of  +
ContentODPDescription -*-
CoversRequirement When was this object part of this other one?, Which object was this one part of at a certain time?, What are the parts of this object at a certain time?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Timeindexedpartof.jpg +
HasComponent PartOf +, TimeInterval +
HasConsequence This Content OP allows designers to represent part-whole relations with a temporal index (holding at a certain time).
HasElement TimeIndexedPartOf/Object +, TimeIndexedPartOf/TimeIndexedPartOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/atTime +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isTimeOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/includesWholeObject +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isWholeObjectOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/includesPartObject +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isPartObjectOf +
HasIntent To represent objects that have temporary parts.
IsSpecializationOf Situation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 14:02:21  +
Name time indexed part of  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Parts and Collections +
Scenario My Toyota Yaris mounted Michelin pneumatics in 2007, but in 2008 it mounts Pirelli pneumatics.
SubmittedBy ValentinaPresutti +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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TimeIndexedPartOf/Object +, TimeIndexedPartOf/TimeIndexedPartOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/atTime +, TimeIndexedPartOf/includesPartObject +, TimeIndexedPartOf/includesWholeObject +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isPartObjectOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isTimeOf +, TimeIndexedPartOf/isWholeObjectOf + ElementOf


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