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ContentODPDescription This pattern composes the [[Submissions:Ti This pattern composes the [[Submissions:Time indexed participation|Time-indexed participation]], [[Submissions:Region|Region]], and [[Submissions:Sequence|Sequence]] patterns in order to represent changing of states for objects, fired by some event, through an underlying process. some event, through an underlying process.
CoversRequirement What states of some object are changed by what event during a transition?, What is the process that is invariant through the transition?, What transitions are occurring on what object at what time?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Transition.png +
HasComponent Region +, Sequence +, Time indexed participation +
HasConsequence We are able to represent part of the seman We are able to represent part of the semantics involved in transitions (e.g. what is implied by Petri Nets): initial and final states, causal events, underlying processes, affected objects, and sequences of time intervals for situations and events. However, it is not possible to define axioms for automatically infer initial and final states from time sequences, because coreference is not allowed in OWL (not even in OWL2). is not allowed in OWL (not even in OWL2).
HasElement Transition/hasEventAtTime +, Transition/hasFinalStateAtTime +, Transition/hasInitialStateAtTime +, Transition/includesFinalSituation +, Transition/includesInitialSituation +, Transition/includesProcess +, Transition/isFinalSituationIncludedIn +, Transition/isInitialSituationIncludedIn +, Transition/isProcessIncludedIn +, Transition/isTimeOf +, Transition/occursAt +, Transition/Process +, Transition/Transition +
HasIntent To represent basic knowledge about transitions (events, states, processes, objects).
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 14:04:26  +
Name Transition  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Workflow +, Manufacturing +
Scenario The addition of Bud Powell on piano made the tune jump from a static, aerial comping into a hard driving swing improvisation
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Transition/Process +, Transition/Transition +, Transition/hasEventAtTime +, Transition/hasFinalStateAtTime +, Transition/hasInitialStateAtTime +, Transition/includesFinalSituation +, Transition/includesInitialSituation +, Transition/includesProcess +, Transition/isFinalSituationIncludedIn +, Transition/isInitialSituationIncludedIn +, Transition/isProcessIncludedIn +, Transition/isTimeOf +, Transition/occursAt + ElementOf
Experience & Observation + RelatedCP


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