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ContentODPDescription The rive water was polluted from effluent near a large factory. A package left Auckland, New Zealand, at 5:45am on 01/06/2012 and arrived in Los Angeles, USA, on 01/12/2012.
CoversRequirement What is the extent of a point source pollution event? Where was a package shipped from and where was it shipped to?
HasConsequence This CP allows data modellers and ontology creators the ability to filter and categorise large geoscience data stores.
HasElement TransportPattern/partOf +, TransportPattern/referenceFrame +, TransportPattern/transportEvent +, TransportPattern/transportEntity +, TransportPattern/transportMechanism +
HasIntent The goal of the pattern is to facilitate modelling the movement of mass or energy from one location to another, based on a common persistent frame of reference.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 7 May 2014 05:02:13  +
Name transportPattern  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Earth Science or Geoscience +, Geology +
SubmittedBy Brandonwhitehead +
SubmittedToEvent 2013 +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Review assigned +, Submitted to event +
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TransportPattern/partOf +, TransportPattern/referenceFrame +, TransportPattern/transportEntity +, TransportPattern/transportEvent + ElementOf


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