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Submissions:Types of entities |
ContentODPDescription | --- |
CoversRequirement | What kind of entity is that?, Is this an event or an object?, Is this an abstract value or a quality of an entity? |
ExtractedFrom | + |
GraphicallyRepresentedBy | Typesofentities.jpg + |
HasConsequence | The type of any element of the knowledge base is always known. |
HasElement | Types of entities/Abstract +, Types of entities/Event +, Types of entities/Object +, Types of entities/Quality + |
HasIntent | To identify and categorize the most general types of things in the domain of discourse. |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 8 March 2010 14:06:31 + |
Name | Types of entities + |
OWLBuildingBlock | + |
PatternDomain | General + |
SubmittedBy | ValentinaPresutti + |
Categories | ProposedContentOP + |
hide properties that link here |
Types of entities/Abstract +, Types of entities/Event +, Types of entities/Object +, Types of entities/Quality + | ElementOf |
NewsReportingEvent +, ReportingEvent + | RelatedCP |