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Submissions:VesselSpecies |
ContentODPDescription | --- |
CoversRequirement | what vessel types can catch what species? (provided that species are caught by geartypes are used by vessel types) |
GraphicallyRepresentedBy | Vesselspecies2.jpg + |
HasComponent | GearSpecies +, GearVessel + |
HasConsequence | This pattern should be used in scenarios w … This pattern should be used in scenarios where a VesselType can be deemed suitable for catching some AquaticSpecies for reasons other than mounting some fishing gear of a suitable GearType. It is strictly related to the gearspecies pattern, in that it uses the catchesSpecies and isCaught property pair to define this behaviour. For the sake of reuse, no domain is declared for catchesSpecies, appropriate restrictions having beed applied instead. restrictions having beed applied instead. |
HasElement | VesselSpecies/isCaughtBy +, VesselSpecies/catchesSpecies +, VesselSpecies/isCaughtByVesselType + |
HasIntent | to provide a direct relation between aquatic species and vessels that are able to catch them, regardless of the fishing gear used. |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 8 March 2010 14:08:09 + |
Name | VesselSpecies + |
OWLBuildingBlock | + |
PatternDomain | Fishery + |
RelatedCP | GearSpecies + |
Scenario | give me the species caught using 'gillneters' |
SubmittedBy | AlessandroAdamou + |
TakesInAccountReview | AldoGangemi about VesselSpecies + |
Categories | ProposedContentOP + |
hide properties that link here |
VesselSpecies/AquaticSpecies +, VesselSpecies/VesselType +, VesselSpecies/catchesSpecies +, VesselSpecies/isCaughtBy +, VesselSpecies/isCaughtByVesselType + | ElementOf |