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Submissions:View Inheritance
ArchitecturalODPAuthor Benedicto Rodriguez-Castro  +, Hugh Glaser  +
ArchitecturalODPConsequence '''Inter- and Intra-criterion Multiple Inh '''Inter- and Intra-criterion Multiple Inheritance.''' There is an interesting feature regarding the types of multiple inheritance relations that can take place in the context of a View Inheritance pattern. These types of multiple inheritance relationships can be characterized as: * '''Inter-criterion''', when the parent classes involved in the multiple inheritance relation are subclasses of different abstraction criteria. The class ''C1Class3_C2Class2'' in Figure 1 is an example of this type of inheritance because one of its parent classes, ''C1_Class3'', is a refining concept of ''Criterion1'' and the other parent class, ''C2_Class2'', is a refining concept of ''Criterion2''. * '''Intra-criterion''', when the parent classes involved in the multiple inheritance relation are subclasses of the same abstraction criterion. The class ''C1_Class1Class2'' is an example of this type of inheritance because all of its parents classes, ''C1_Class1'' and ''C1_Class2'', are refining concepts of the same criterion, ''Criterion1''. * '''Intra- and inter-criterion''', when there are at least two parents involved in the relation that are subclasses of the same abstraction criterion and there is at least one more different parent that is a subclass of a different abstraction criterion. An example of this type of inheritance is trivial to extrapolate from the composition of the previous two. from the composition of the previous two.
ArchitecturalODPDomain General +
ArchitecturalODPExample Figure above in particular, shows a matrix Figure above in particular, shows a matrix representation of all types of faults which may affect a system during its life. Implicitly, the figure reveals several alternative criteria for the classification of faults: * A first criterion can be derived from the left column of the matrix (listing the basic view points from Figure 2: ''Development/Operational Faults'', ''Internal/External Faults'' and so on). This column represents the values of the eight basic viewpoints which lead to the elementary fault classes. * A second criterion can be abstracted from the bottom row (listing numbers 1 to 31). This row represents the 31 likely combinations of fault classes out of the 256 possible. * A third criterion is implicit at the top row, representing the three major partially overlapping groupings of faults: ''Development'', ''Physical'' and ''Interaction''. * A fourth criterion can be seen at the bottom row, labeled ''Examples'', containing nine illustrative examples of fault classes. ne illustrative examples of fault classes.
ArchitecturalODPName View Inheritance  +
ArchitecturalODPOrigin Object Oriented: * Meyer, B.: Object-Orien Object Oriented: * Meyer, B.: Object-Oriented Software Construction (Book/CD-ROM) (2nd Edition). Prentice Hall PTR (March 2000) Ontology: * Rector, A.L.: Modularisation of domain ontologies implemented in description logics and related formalisms including owl. In: K-CAP '03: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Knowledge capture, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2003) 121--128 re, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2003) 121--128
ArchitecturalODPProblem There are ontology domain concepts that are difficult to represent due to the complexities in their definition and the presence of multiple alternative criteria to classify their abstractions.
ArchitecturalODPRelated Normalization +, Partition +, ClassAsPropertyValue +, Submission:MultipleInheritance +
ArchitecturalODPSolution Introduce the following types of classes: Introduce the following types of classes: * ''Criterion_i'': These classes represent each one of the alternative abstraction criteria of the TargetDomainConcept (''Criterion1'', ''Criterion2'', ''Criterion_i'' in the Figure above). The list of classes may not be exhaustive or pairwise disjoint. * ''Ci_Class_x'': These classes refine each abstraction criteria class (''C1_Class1'', ..., ''C2_Class1'', ..., ''Ci_Class_i'' in the Figure above). The list of classes may not be exhaustive or pairwise disjoint. * ''CiClass_xCjClass_y'', ''Ci_Class_xClass_y'': These classes participate in multiple inheritance relationships combining different refinements from the alternative abstraction criteria classes (''C1Class3_C2Class2'' and ''C1_Class1Class2'' in the Figure above). ''C1_Class1Class2'' in the Figure above).
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Fig view inheritance structure.png +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 September 2010 18:15:15  +
SubmittedBy BenedictoRodriguezCastro +, HughGlaser +
Categories ArrchitecturalOP +, ProposedArchitecturalOP +
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