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Training:Advanced Ontology Engineering at FOI - 2011/Ontology Design Patterns
ExerciseOf Advanced Ontology Engineering at FOI - 2011 +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 2 October 2011 15:32:05  +
ProblemDescription Use the wiki pages of Content ODPs to find Use the wiki pages of Content ODPs to find at least one ODP that solves the problem of each of the requirements below (see the "Task" section below). For each ODP you select, document ''why'' you think this is a good solution, and describe briefly ''how'' you would reuse (i.e. specialize) the ODP for your specific case. pecialize) the ODP for your specific case.
SolutionDescription Solutions should be of the form: ''CQ no. x, y can be solved by specializing the Content ODP named z.'' Plus a motivation why this is the case and some ideas on how to use/specialize the ODP., ''After the exercise is done'' you can check [[Training:Advanced_Ontology_Engineering_at_FOI_-_2011/Ontology_Design_Patterns/Solution_Ideas | this page]] for solution suggestions.
Title Ontology Design Patterns
Categories Exercise +
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