An introductory course to Knowledge Repres … An introductory course to Knowledge Representation, centered on patterns at different levels. It includes novel and existing ODP material by Aldo Gangemi ([http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Training:PhD_Course_on_Computational_Ontologies_%40_University_of_Bologna_2011 Computational Ontology Course] for ontology design on the semantic web, NL to KR representation), open source material by Johan van Benthem's group ([http://staff.science.uva.nl/~jaspars/logicinaction/ Logic in Action course] for propositional, syllogistic, and predicate logic), by Pascal Hitzler ([http://www.semantic-web-book.org/page/KR4SW-12 KR for the Semantic Web course] for description logics and OWL), and by Sean Bechhofer ([http://mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/2011/07/sssw/ SSSW OWL session] for practical OWL exercises). OWL session] for practical OWL exercises).